Euromillions Result

The Euromillions Result for 06/09/2024

The latest Euromillions Result for the draw of 06/09/2024 is displayed below. You can find the latest Euromillions Result updated here, no advertising, no sign-ups and no fuss.

Euromillions Main Numbers:

(12) (14) (34) (41) (47)
twelve, fourteen, thirty four, forty one, forty seven

These five numbers are also the winning EuroMillions HotPicks numbers for this draw date.

Euromillions Lucky Star Numbers:

(3) (4)
three, four

Millionaire Maker Ticket Numbers:

M N V T 2 7 8 9 8
mike, november, victor, tango, two, seven, eight, nine, eight

Jackpots for 06/09/2024

Euromillions Jackpot for this draw: £125,920,031.00

Millionaire Maker Jackpots for this draw: £1,000,000

Euromillions News

Last Updated: 09/09/2024

Google NewsLucky EuroMillions player becomes Ireland's latest millionaire in Friday's draw  Irish Mirror